Welcome to Environment and Ecology, a beacon of excellence in interdisciplinary environmental research since 1982. As an internationally recognized journal listed in NAAS and Web of Science, we pride ourselves on our commitment to advancing the frontiers of knowledge in environmental science and ecology.
Our quarterly Research Editions, released in March, June, September, and December, offer a rich tapestry of scholarly contributions. Through rigorous research papers, insightful notes, and dynamic proceedings of seminars and conferences, we delve into the complexities of environmental challenges and explore innovative solutions.
At the heart of our journal lies a deep dedication to agricultural subjects. From soil health and crop management to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem resilience, we cover a wide spectrum of topics crucial to the sustainability of our planet’s agricultural systems.
We invite researchers, scholars, and practitioners from around the globe to join us on this journey of discovery and collaboration. Together, let us harness the power of interdisciplinary inquiry to address the urgent environmental issues of our time and pave the way for a greener, more sustainable future. Explore our latest publications and be part of the conversation shaping the future of environment and ecology.
The journal publishes full research papers, notes, proceedings of seminars, symposia, conferences and recent reviews on agricultural subjects.
The journal issues / E-copies are sent to Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, CAB international, EBSCO, Univsersitaesbibliothek & Tech. Information-Bibliothek, Germany; Web of Science for indexing. The Full Text Database of the contents may be available from CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, OX 10 8DE, UK.
All manuscripts of full research papers and seminar-symposium conference research papers to be sent following Guide for Authors. All manuscripts received for publication are accepted only after peer review.
Reprints of the papers are available as E-copy and also available online on our website. A copy of the journal will be sent to the corresponding author of the paper. To know about publication process, write to editor@environmentandecology.com
The journal publishes (full research papers, critically done reviews, notes) and proceedings of seminars, symposium and conferences having relevance to agricultural sciences. We also consider papers on agricultural extension and recent reviews on agricultural subjects.
Abstract, key words (maximum five), introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion (preferably combined together), references, tables, figure captions and figures. Length of the paper should be 8-16 pages. Tables and figures should be on a separate sheets of papers and not mixed with the text matters.
Mission: Environment and Ecology is dedicated to advancing scientific understanding and promoting sustainable solutions for environmental challenges. Through rigorous research and interdisciplinary collaboration, we strive to contribute to the conservation of ecosystems, the protection of biodiversity, and the enhancement of environmental quality for present and future generations.
Vision: Our vision is to be a leading international platform for cutting-edge research and innovative ideas in the fields of environment and ecology. We aim to foster a global community of scholars, researchers, and practitioners committed to addressing pressing environmental issues and driving positive change. By promoting dialogue, collaboration, and knowledge exchange, we aspire to play a pivotal role in shaping a more resilient and sustainable world.
Journal Particulars
Title – Environment and Ecology
Print ISSN – 0970-0420
Frequency of publication – Quarterly (Subsequent Issues)
Language – English
Starting Year (Online Mode) – 2019
Subject – Environmental Science and Ecology
Format of publication – Print and Online
Publisher – MKK Publication
Address – 91A, Ananda Palit Road
Ground Floor, Kolkata 700014
WB, India
Contact numbers: +91 (033) 4067 3064 | +91 74397 02586
Prof. S K Konar (Retd.)
Former Professor and Head
Dept. of Zoology, University of Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal.
Email: sk.konar@environmentandecology.com
Copyright Policy:
All materials and content published in Environment and Ecology Journal are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For further details, please visit our publication ethics page: CC BY-NC 4.0 Deed | Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International | Creative Commons
Authors maintain copyright of their work and grant the journal the right of first publication. The work is simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License, allowing others to share the work with proper acknowledgment of the authorship and initial publication in this journal.
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Environment and Ecology Journal takes copyright infringement and plagiarism seriously. While we do not grant third-party users permission to use our articles or content for commercial purposes, we understand that academic and non-academic uses may be appropriate. However, it is important to adhere to copyright laws and give proper attribution when using our content.
To minimize the risk of copyright violation:
1. Authors should ensure that they have the necessary permissions or rights to use any third-party materials in their submissions.
2. Readers and users of our content should respect copyright laws and guidelines, including proper citation and attribution when referencing our articles.
3. Environment and Ecology Journal employs plagiarism detection tools and editorial review processes to identify and address any instances of plagiarism or copyright infringement within submitted manuscripts.
While Environment and Ecology Journal endeavors to prevent copyright violations, we cannot guarantee the actions of third-party users. Therefore, it is incumbent upon all parties involved to uphold ethical standards and respect intellectual property rights.
Environment and Ecology Journal requires copyright approval from all authors before publishing any content or articles. Authors must ensure that their manuscripts represent genuine research work, and that all listed authors are aware of the submission. Contributors should obtain permission from co-authors, and all authors must sign the copyright form prior to publication.
Environment and Ecology Journal strictly prohibits any unethical practice of ghost or guest writing. We do not accept or publish papers that have been ghostwritten or authored by guests who have not made substantial contributions to the research. Such articles are not considered for the editorial process. We uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and expect all submissions to reflect genuine research conducted by the listed authors.
Please check our Guide for Authors before you submit your research paper for publication. All manuscripts, requisition for the journal and reprint need to be sent to: editor@environmentandecology.com